Left handed electric guitars are specifically designed instruments for people who are left handed. Natural position for playing a guitar when it comes to left handed people is to strum the strings with the left hand and finger the fingerboard with the right. Through the history of popular music many guitarists and bass players were left handed. Some of them bought right handed guitars and turned them upside down and played them that way. The problem with this is that the strings are in reverse position, which means that you have to play the guitar backwards, which is of course not ideal at all. However, it is possible to take a standard right handed guitar and restring it so that the strings are in normal position and the guitar can be played in the left hand position. Most famous guitarist who played his guitar like this was Jimi Hendrix who restrung his Fender Stratocaster. This is also far from ideal, as the knobs, pickups and cable jack are all up top, which in turns hinders the player when strumming strings. The ideal option for the left handed guitar players is to buy an instrument that was made to play in the left handed manner.
As it is case with most tools for the left handed persons, left handed electric guitars and electric basses cannot be found in the displays of shops so easily. Since only a small percentage of people are left handed, most guitars and basses are massively produced for the right handed people. This in turn means that the guitars available in music stores are mostly right handed and the left handed players are left with few choices. This is not a good scenario, as it means that those few left handed instruments might not be the best option for that particular person. Another option is to order a certain right handed guitar to be made for the left handed style of playing, which means that the players cannot really test their instruments the proper way. As it turns out, by far the best scenario is to purchase a guitar which was specifically made for a left handed person.
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Best Left Handed Electric Guitars
Guitars are delicate instruments and present a very expensive hobby, which means that one should be extra careful when choosing the perfect one. This implies that one should be presented with multiple choices and multiple series of products. The following sections of this site we will present you the best of left handed electric guitars in case you are searching for your ideal instrument. And in case you find the perfect one, also try to keep in mind that it would be a good idea to buy a protective case or a gig bag for it.
Best Left Handed Electric Guitar – Fender American Standard Stratocaster
Bestbuy Left Handed Electric Guitar – Fender Squier Affinity Telecaster
Bestseller left handed guitar – Schecter Hellraiser C-7 FR 7-String Electric Guitar
Left handed electric guitars are fewer in quantity than their right handed counterparts. Picking an electric guitar for a left handed person is a personal thing. Certain electric guitars fit certain people better than others. That is why a variety of choice is needed, so that a proper piece of music hardware could be selected. Choosing the right guitar is effected by many factors, such as the budget, personal preferences and even the looks of the instrument. Playing style and genre also take a huge role in this decision, as there are guitars which were made for a specific genre.
One could say that picking up Fender or Squire guitars is the best way to go, but that would be a wrong thing to say. Certain person could have other preferences which can only be found in other type of guitars. Also, there is the issue of buying original guitars or cheap knock-offs. Some people find knock-offs to perform better than the originals.
Heavy metal players prefer such brands as ESP and Ibanez, because of the designs that simply fit their style and genre. That is not to say that there are not heavy metal guitarists which use Fender or Yamaha electric guitars.
Because of the delicacy of the instrument, choosing the right electric guitar is an important decision. All that can be said for this is that one must choose wisely and according to preferences and playing style. Choosing left handed electric guitars is even a more tedious task, as there are not many out there and many might not suit a certain person. All in all, it boils down to personal preferences and, of course, the budget. It would be recommended when purchasing a part of musical equipment such as these guitars to also grab a suitable guitar case to protect the instruments from dirt and damage.